That's right, my man sent me a gift....what is surprising you the most? that I got a man, or that he sent me a gift?....Anyways, it went a little something like this. I was hanging out with my man when he says the 4 magic words any gal would love to hear...."I bought you something"......Me? I'm feeling like a million bucks, proud that my man cares enough to buy me a *surprise*. I of course had to ask "what is it?" his reply was "something I saw and thought of you?" OMG!!!! I'm on flippin cloud nine....have my twinkling eyes inspired this man to buy a jewel of sometype? Have my amazing cooking skills inspired him to take me to Savanah to meet Paula Deen??? My mind is a flutter with these questions when the words any gal hopes to NEVA hear came out of his mouth....."I saw it in a ad in my junk mail"....What?!? Please tell me I did not just hear that. the words bought, gift and junkmail should never be used in a sentence. The days turned to weeks I as patiently went thru my weekly junk mail trying to figure out WTF could possibly be in those ads that made my man think of me. My mind wandered as I saw the ads for the pastel colored polyster pants, the flannel lined blue jeans and the ever wonderful tomatoe tree...Im baffled, feeling trashy when *it* arrives......I can hardly contain myself as I open it up an low and behold...I do a sigh of relief because my Man sent me the 1,000 piece window cling set for any and all Holidays you could possibly have in the United States and China. If its a day worthy to go on the calendar, you can bet your sweet ass I got a cling-on for it.....and that is the story of my gift. Now excuse me as it is National kiss an Asian day and I gotta go celebrate it by sticking a cling on in my window....Nice to be back...Much love, Tootie
Just for the record.....I still got those Muth fruckin cling ons.....and they stillrock!!!!