Friday, December 10, 2010

WOOB..start your engine!

Apparently 3am is the new exciting to play with our new toy that our momma so graciously got for clock work, I'm awoken by a single squeek...then another...and another in rapid succession...then it's RACE CAR WOOB....All I hear is the clang of cream suede couch being used as a launch pad...*YELP* (an unfortunate landing)....and the squeek of a one eyed (also lost in the launch) mutant squirrel toy....ROUND AND ROUND the living room Woob her peanut mind I'm certain she thinks she is a Greyhound turning the last bend towards victory...or out in some forest destroying the meek little critters in her ferocious jaws... OUT the dog door she flies, shaking the door so hard with her "big boned frame" that I'm afraid she has torn my sliding glass door off the rails....seconds later....she's back...panting...last bit of effort throws her body up on the bed and presents me upon my face a soggy, grass matted squirrel toy....~finally~...the race/hunt is over.....3:05 am......time to go back to bed.......*SQUEEK*

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