Wednesday, October 21, 2009

I got 3 reasons while we will never make it on "AMAZING RACE"

1) have obviously forgotten that I am severly *DRIVING CHALLENGED*. I am lucky to get my happy ass around Owosso let alone some foreign country would have to do all the driving.

2) See above photo now imagine EATING it!! Oh right...I almost have that esophagusvagina blockage thing going on and so who would get stuck eating the lamb head with fresh eyeballs in the food challenge??? BINGO!!! Me and that just is not happening.."Oh I would be on the sidelines giving me *THE PEP* talk but it ain't happening so keep your "C'mon Holly you can eat it!" "It's only horse testicles..piece of cake!" to yourself!!!!!

3) It is a primetime family show and I just don't think they would have enough BLEEPS to cover up the language that would come out of our mouths like when we got lost driving....or when I actually PUKE up the lamb eyes...ect...ect...ect.

Sooo....I say we throw caution to the wind and just sign up for *So you think you can dance?* cause we would ROCK!!!!!!


  1. Oh dear lawd it's the first time you have ever had a ball in your mouth *snicker snicker*....I'm the one thats gonna be driving all over the place, the least you can do is eat a few things, geez!

  2. Never....ever....NEVER!!! Sorry don't do balls of anykind : )
