You know...It is good to know people in high places. I know what you must be thinking..."Who is it that Tootie knows?"...A lawyer....A Doctor...A Hit man?? Nope, even better....I KNOW the Little Debbie delivery man. It happenend one Friday afternoon when I was sent to the party store across the street to buy baby oil and zingers for Amber. Maybe it was the combo of those two things that caught his eye? who knows...all I know is that I said "Hey, how are ya" as I continued my quest for the baby oil. We struck up a conversation and before you know it I was walking out with hundreds of donut holes..they may have been out of date but who cares? I was just gonna feed them to the kids. I was a superstar for the day at Washington school.. Fast forward to yesterday... ..I just happenend to be using the ATM when who do I see...the Little Debbie Man..I said "Hey little Debbie Man" and he said "You can call me Greg" And I said "You can call me Julie"...(never give out your real name unless you are REALLY interested!) Needless to say I walked away with a bag full of Oatmeal cream pies and life was good again. I guess the moral of this story is...be nice, you never know what you may get out of it...Now if I can just track down the man who delivers Zingers.........
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