Tuesday, October 20, 2009

It's a MULLET Festival post ya'alllllllllllll

What is THIS you may be asking? It's a fried twinkie. I ate one. And it was DELIIIIiiiiiiCIOUS.

Did you know that the Niceville Mullet Festival is also known as "Take walmart, flip it upside down, SHAKE all the people out of it, stuff them in a fairgrounds, fry EVERYTHING imaginable on a stick and get drunk?" I'm puuuuuuurty sure it is.
I'm not quite sure WHAT the Mullet festival is, but while there, I realized one thing...."Nothing says love like matching camoflage..."

I had to use my lovely assistant "Pelissa" (I'll use that to protect Melissa's identity)...to stage the pictures and prevent me from getting my ass kicked.

I'm gettin' me some camoflage...ASAP ;)

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