Sometimes in life we get blamed for things we did not do. And sometimes we get *mad* and engage in a very heated "discussion" with the person who accused us. Sometimes we get on our phone and text our girlfriend about how this "person" who blamed us is a "jacka**" or a "douche bag" or an "a**hole"....and sometimes in the heat of our frenzy we do not realize that we have just *accidently* sent it to the "person" we are mad at until we hit sent and then hear their phone go off instantaniously.
1. Clenching your fists and saying *F**K!* does not make the offending text go away.
2. Although you would of CLEARLY won the battle, you have now just lost the war because now you have created a shit storm that is going to take a WHOLE LOTTA groveling on your part to fix.
3. And lastly....Laughing hysterically and pretending it was "just a joke" doesn't work. At all.
**Disclaimer** This is OBVIOUSLY a made up story that I made up for the purpose of teaching you all something 'cuz I OBVIOUSLY am not foolish enough to make such an insane mistake. *Pfffft! As if!....... and if someone ever ACCUSSES me of ever doing this... I will ENSURE that I do not text ANY of my friends and talk *bad* about them. I swear. Lesson learned.
Wow Muff, you taught that lesson so well,,,you must have put a lot of thought into it. I am so glad that has never really happened to you because I would really hate for you to be caught in a shit storm-but if you ever do if you are sportin your new camo no one will ever know.