If some of you just happen to be facebook friends of mine, you already know that I have found my #1 source of entertainment and that would be.....*
drum roll please*....peopleofwalmart.com....yup, it's just what you're thinking it is and let me just tell you... it is absolutely HILARIOUS...that is, until today...

Now you may just be thinking...
1. HOLY SHIT, that's ALOT of woman
2. That's a whole lot of self confidence.
3. Underwear? Questionable.
4. HOLY SHIT, That's really ALOT of woman...
But no...I'm sitting here thinking....Oh GAWD....I have that shirt :(

Nice sister...so don't even be thinkin about pawning that gem of a shirt off on me..although I will take the sparkly *happy new year* crown and rockin beads : )