So we had school pictures taken at school.....I was prepared...had my Sunday best on, did my hair so I did not look like Medusa, lined up the darlings and away we went to get our pictures for the yearbook taken. I was first....no big deal, I've done this before one quick pic (considering that I am STAFF now) and I'm done.... OH HOW WRONG I WAS...I walk up with a smile on my face and it starts...away I went in a time warp..I didn't know if I was in the glamour studio at the mall or back at Hick's studio getting my senior pictures taken...Photographer man says.."stand and put your thumbs in you pockets and bend your knee"...WHAT?!? "Ok, now cross your arms and tilt your head" You have got to be kiddin me...at this point I am convinced that Ashton Kutcher is gonna jump out and say I've been PUNKED..but wait it gets better..head shot time...."Do you wanna hold a flower?" Hell no I don't wanna hold a flower!!!!! So I folded my hands under my chin and continued my Olan Mills from hell photo shoot....Finally enough was enough...maybe it was the startled look on my face or maybe it was the little darlings in the background called him a "mother Fucker" whatever the case it was done and so was I. In a few weeks I will have these gems..can't wait to share them with you all!!!
OMG, I had the same experience. Let's just say in the end results I looked like a hooker. Leather jacket, bright blue eye shadow, bright red lipstick and some damn feather thing that I kept eating. GOOD TIMES!!! That is the picture that I love so much that it is in my lock box! I mean who the hell are you gonna give a picture like that too? My PIMP?
ReplyDeleteMuff Says...Tracon73, atleast I hope your WHOLE head of hair was styled...not just one side....I seem to remember back in my youthful days when SOMEONE... ok, lets just say a sibling, used to only do one side of my hair and then get bored and leave me hangin'.....Yes, I'm still bitter.